Terms of Use of the Housebook platform and service
These Terms of Use of the Housebook Platform and Service (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Use) are a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administration of the Housebook Site, the subject of which is the provision by the Administration of the Housebook Site to the User of access to the use of the Housebook Site, and its functionality and governing the use of the Housebook Site, including all of its subdomains, as well as other sites through which Housebook provides its services, applications for mobile and other devices, as well as application program interfaces (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Housebook Platform”), as well as all related services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Housebook Services").

The Housebook website ( is an Internet resource that provides the User with access to the Housebook Database, including the Housebook mobile application.

The Housebook database is a set of textual and graphic informational materials about real estate objects presented in an objective form, contained on the servers of the Housebook Site Administration and systematized with the help of Computer Programs in such a way that these materials can be found and processed by the User and third parties using a computer.

Personal Account — a personal part of the Housebook Site, providing the functionality of: (a) individualization of the User among other Users of the Housebook Site; (b) implementation by the User of the rights to use the Computer Programs and the Housebook Database on the basis of an agreement; (c) exchange of data, information and messages between the User and the Administration of the Housebook Site; (d) implementation by the Administration of the Housebook Site of control over the implementation by the User of the right to use the Computer Programs and the Housebook Database;

Access to the Personal Account and its functionality is provided to the User after his registration on the Housebook Website.

A User of the Housebook Site is a capable natural person or a legally capable legal entity who intends to use the services of the Housebook Site. By accessing the Housebook Site and thus agreeing to the terms of these Terms of Use of the Housebook Site, the User guarantees that he has all the rights and powers necessary to join these Terms of Use and their execution, including being an adult and fully capable person, or a minor by a person declared by the decision of the authorized body to be fully capable. The Housebook Site Administration has the right at any time to require the User to provide information and documents confirming the rights and powers, as indicated above.

Rightholder — a third party who is the rightholder of real estate objects, or an authorized representative of Rightholders of real estate objects ("Third Party Goods and Services"), information about which is collected by the Housebook Site Administration from open and closed sources and displayed in the Housebook Database.

Housebook Site Administration — Housebook Group of Companies, consisting of affiliated companies: Housebook Investment LLC (registered in the UAE, Dubai mainland on 06/22/2022 under license 1061992, registered office: Dubai, Business Bay, The Prime Tower, property number 2701-089 ) and Housebook Real Estate LLC (registered in the UAE, Dubai mainland on 12/20/2022 under license 1128098, registered office: Dubai, Dubai Marina, Marina Plaza, No. 2502-01) (collectively referred to as the "Affiliates").

The rights to the Housebook Site as a whole and to use the network address (domain name), its subdomains, the Housebook Database, the Housebook logo and trademark belong to the Housebook Site Administration.

The latter provides access to the Housebook Site to all interested parties in accordance with these Terms of Use and the current laws of the United Arab Emirates and the Emirate of Dubai.

The user or other person is not entitled to use the above objects of intellectual rights of the Housebook Site Administration in ways not provided for by these Terms of Use without the written permission of the Housebook Site Administration, including extracting information materials and information in any form not provided for by these Terms of Use in ways.

The terms of these Terms of Use are considered by the Site Administration as a public offer in accordance with the civil code of the Emirate of Dubai.

These Terms of Use are developed by the Housebook Site Administration and define the terms of use of the Site, as well as the rights and obligations of their Users and Administration. The Rules also apply to relations related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users of the Site, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of Users of the Site.

The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with these Rules before starting to use the Services and / or register on the Site.

By starting to use the Housebook Services, the User thereby confirms the full and unconditional acceptance by the User of these Rules in accordance with civil code of the Emirate of Dubai (public offer).

The use of the Housebook Platform and the Housebook Services is carried out by the User on a voluntary and free of charge basis.

These Terms of Use may be changed by the Housebook Site Administration at any time without any notice to the User. The new version of the Terms of Use comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Housebook Website, unless a different date for the entry into force of the new terms is indicated in the text of the Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use are an open and public document. The current version of the Rules is located on the Internet at the network address (domain name): The User undertakes to regularly independently check the terms of these Terms of Use for changes and / or additions. Continued use of the Housebook Site by the User after the entry into force of changes and / or additions to these Terms of Use means the User's acceptance and consent to such changes and / or additions.
General Terms of Use of the Housebook Site

Housebook is a company that provides Users with instant property search services in the primary market through the Housebook Site and the Housebook Platform.

Housebook is not a real estate agency, and therefore is not responsible for the sale of goods and services by the Right Holders and / or authorized representatives of the Right Holders, as well as for the formation and maintenance of prices for any real estate and services that the User can find and purchase using the Housebook Platform ( "Third Party Goods and Services"). All such Third Party Goods and Services are marketed by Real Estate Owners, Real Estate Owners' authorized representatives, independent real estate agencies and other third parties and are therefore subject to the terms and conditions set forth by such third parties.

The Housebook Site Administration is not the organizer of the transaction between the User and the Rightholder of the Goods and services of third parties, the intermediary or representative of any User, the representative of the Rightholder of the Goods and services of third parties and / or other interested person in relation to the transaction proposed / concluded between the User and the Rightholder.

All transactions between Users and Rights Holders made when using the Housebook Site are concluded and executed without the direct participation of the Housebook Site Administration.

The services and services provided on the Housebook Website can be changed, supplemented, updated, change the form and nature of functionality at any time without prior notice to the User, and therefore their use is offered on an "as is" basis, i.e. in the form and to the extent that they are provided by the Housebook Site Administration at the time the User accesses the services of Housebook. The Housebook Site Administration reserves the right at any time to change the design of the Housebook Site, their content, functionality, change or supplement the scripts, software and other objects used or stored on the Housebook Site.

A user who agrees to the terms of these Terms of Use is granted a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to download, open and use the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platform solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. In particular, such license is granted to the User on the condition that the User will not:

a) use the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platforms for any improper or unlawful purpose, or post or distribute material that is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable; violate the confidentiality, privacy or any rights of third parties, including copyright, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights; published, distributed or transmitted for the purpose of advertising or promoting you personally or any third parties; or mislead as to the identity of the User;

b) use the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platforms for any commercial purpose or in any way that could harm Housebook or damage the reputation of Housebook;

c) disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise decompile any software, applications, updates or hardware contained in or made available through the Housebook Services and/or Housebook Platforms;

d) copy, distribute, make public, sell, rent or otherwise use the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platforms, attempt to circumvent any security measures in place to prevent or restrict your access to the Housebook Services and/or the Platforms Housebook and their use;

e) use or interfere with the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platforms in a manner that could damage, overburden, or otherwise adversely affect or render unavailable our systems and security measures, or affect other users;

f) inject into or transmit through the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platforms any malicious code, viruses, denial-of-service or spam attacks, worms, trojans, access authorization keys, license management utilities or software security locks. security;

g) remove, modify or replace any copyright notices, trademarks, trade names, logos or other designations of origin from the Housebook Services and/or Housebook Platforms, or pass off or attempt to pass off the Housebook Services and/or Housebook Platforms as the product of any a developer other than the Housebook Site Administration;

h) use any automated computer programs or applications to scan, copy, index, sort and otherwise use the Housebook Services and/or Housebook Platforms or any part thereof.

Without the permission of the Housebook Site Administration, it is not allowed to use, distribute, copy and / or extract from the Housebook Site manually or automatically (using software) any materials or information.
Registration on the Housebook Site. Getting Started with the Housebook Platform

Registration on the Housebook Site is a set of actions by the User in accordance with the instructions specified on the Housebook Site, including the provision of Credentials and other information performed by the User using a special form of the user interface of the Housebook Site in order to create a Personal Account and gain access to the services of the Housebook Site.

Credentials - a unique login (e-mail address specified by the User) and password, created independently by the User in the process of Registration on the Housebook Website and using the Housebook Services, or later changed by the User through the Personal Account or in another way specified by the Administration of the Housebook Website, used to access Personal account after the User Registration on the Housebook Site.

When registering and using Housebook Services, Credentials are specified, which the User chooses independently.

Registration on the Housebook Site is voluntary and free of charge.

When filling out the electronic registration form on the Housebook Website, the User is obliged to provide the Administration with reliable and up-to-date information. The registration form of the Housebook Site may ask the User for additional information.

The user is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the laws of the UAE of the information provided during registration and its clearance from claims of third parties.

After entering the data for registration, if the User specifies an e-mail address, the User receives an e-mail to the e-mail address specified during Registration, containing an active hyperlink, the click on which is necessary to confirm the Registration on the Housebook Site. Registration of an account is carried out to one e-mail address of the User once.

Re-registration of a new account on the Site using the e-mail address previously specified during Registration is not allowed. The User can change the Credentials in the Personal Account on the Housebook Site or in any other way specified by the Housebook Site Administration.

The User is obliged to monitor the safety of his Credentials and not to disclose them to third parties. The User is not entitled to transfer his Credentials to third parties, as well as directly or indirectly allow third parties to use his Credentials for authorization on the Housebook Website, with the exception of persons acting on behalf and in the interests of the User or who received such Credentials on the basis of relevant agreements with the User.

Any action taken from the User's Personal Account using his Credentials is considered to be an action taken by the User himself or a person authorized by him and establishes obligations and responsibilities for the User in relation to such actions, including liability for violation of these Rules for using the Housebook Site.

The User is obliged to immediately change the Credentials if he has reason to suspect that these data have been disclosed, may be used by unauthorized third parties or at the request of the Housebook Site Administration.

The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of United Arab Emirates. The Housebook Site Administration processes the User's personal data in order to provide the User with access to use the functionality of the Housebook Site. The Housebook Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction. The Housebook Site Administration provides access to the User's personal data only to those employees and contractors of the Housebook Site Administration who need this information to ensure the functioning of the Housebook Site and provide the User with access to their use.

The Housebook Site Administration has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the UAE (including in order to prevent and / or suppress illegal and / or unlawful actions of Users). Disclosure of the information provided by the User can be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai by a court decision.

The User, using the Housebook Site, gives his consent to the Housebook Site Administration for the use by the Housebook Site of his IP address, cookies and geolocation data for marketing and statistical purposes from the moment he starts using the Housebook Site and familiarizes himself with these Terms of Use, in case of disagreement with this condition, the User must leave the Housebook Site.

In the process of using the Housebook Site (including when registering, using the Housebook Services, interacting with other persons through the Housebook Site, browsing the pages of the Housebook Site, etc.), the User independently and voluntarily decides to provide the Administration of the Housebook Site or place it in an open access to personal and other information about the User (last name, first name, patronymic or pseudonym of the User, e-mail address, phone number, as well as any other information provided by the User, including through the feedback form in the interface of the Housebook Site, information about the User's actions on Housebook Site, etc.) for the purposes of executing these Terms of Use of the Housebook Site, and also hereby declares its consent to the processing by the Housebook Site Administration, and its affiliates, of the User's personal and other data, their transfer for processing to third parties, including for purposes: providing consulting support to Users in connection with the use of the Housebook Site, obtaining statistical and analytical data to improve the functioning of the Housebook Site, receiving informational and / or advertising messages from the Housebook Site Administration or third parties, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai. The Housebook Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access by third parties.

The User places this or that information about himself solely in his own interests, including to facilitate the establishment of communication with the User.
Housebook Site Administration:

  • has the right to use available technical solutions to verify the correctness of the information provided by the User when using the Housebook Site.
  • has the right to terminate and / or restrict the User's access to the Housebook Site at any time, as well as to block or delete the User's Account Data on the Housebook Site without the possibility of its recovery in case the User violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use; inability to use the functionality of the Housebook Site due to technical or other natural obstacles, as well as if the User uses the functionality of the Housebook Site illegally or in an illegal way, thereby causing damage to the Administration of the Housebook Site and / or third parties. This paragraph, among other things, also includes any attempts to commit fraudulent actions or other actions using the functionality of the Housebook Site, aimed at misleading other Users and / or third parties;
  • to organize the work of the Computer Programs and the Housebook Database at its own discretion;
  • to send to the User the following types of messages to the e-mail and mobile phone number specified by the User when registering on the Housebook Site: (a) service notifications about events related to the operation of the User's Personal Account or the Housebook Site as a whole, as well as password recovery announcements ; (b) information materials from the Housebook Database in accordance with the User's subscriptions (once a day, or at other intervals explicitly specified by the User); (c) informational messages - news of the Housebook Site, news of the real estate market, special offers and promotions of the Housebook Site (not more than once a week);

The User's consent to receive these mailings is the acceptance of the terms (acceptance) of these Rules. In case of a dispute about the consent to receive these mailings, the Housebook Site Administration undertakes to provide confirmation that the User has activated his/her Personal Account.

The user has the right to refuse to receive these mailings by performing the actions indicated in the text of messages received from the Housebook Site Administration.

Within 5 (Five) working days after the User performs these actions, the Housebook Site Administration undertakes to stop sending the corresponding type of messages to his address.

For the purposes of executing these Terms of Use, process the User's personal data provided by them when using the Housebook Services and/or registering on the Housebook Site; has the right to collect and, at its discretion, dispose of any statistical information related to the operation of the Housebook Site.

Ensures the operation and performance of the Housebook Site and undertakes to promptly restore their performance in the event of technical failures and interruptions. The Administration of the Housebook Site is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of the Housebook Site and the loss of information caused by them.

Has the right not to consider the User's appeals: not containing information and documents necessary for consideration of the appeal; containing false information and (or) documents that do not have signs of authenticity; in relation to questions on which the Administration of the Housebook Site had previously sent a response to the User (repeated requests); containing insults, threats or appeals stated in a sharp negative form; sent in violation of other conditions and procedure for consideration of appeals provided by the Administration of the Housebook Site.

The right to transfer his rights and / or obligations under these Terms of Use of the Housebook Site, both in whole and in part, to a third party, and the User hereby gives his consent to this.


  • undertakes, prior to the adoption of these Rules, to carefully read their terms and conditions, to comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the United Arab Emirates and the Emirate of Dubai, these Terms of Use; regularly review the current version of these Terms of Use, act solely in accordance with applicable law and these Terms of Use, and bear full responsibility in accordance with the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai for their own actions and inaction when using the Housebook Site;
  • undertakes not to transfer the rights obtained in accordance with these Terms of Use to any third party without the prior written consent of the Housebook Site Administration;
  • undertakes to inform the Administration of the Housebook Site about unauthorized access to the User's Personal Account;
  • undertakes not to carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Housebook Site;
The User is prohibited from: uploading, storing, publishing, distributing and providing access to or otherwise using viruses, trojans and other malicious programs; use, without special permission from the Administration of the Housebook Site, automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the Housebook Site and / or interact with the Housebook Site and its functionality; in any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, breach of trust, hacking, trying to gain access to the Personal Accounts or personal data of another User; use the Housebook Site in any other way than through the interfaces provided by the Housebook Site Administration; make changes to the Housebook Database using objects that violate the rights of third parties or an indefinite number of persons provided for by law (including, but not limited to, materials borrowed without obtaining the consent of the copyright holder, including photographs, texts, etc.); use automatic and other programs not authorized by the Housebook Site Administration to gain access to the Housebook Site, as well as extract in any way, copy, distribute and otherwise use information materials of the Housebook Database without the appropriate consent from the Housebook Site Administration.

  • may not copy, adapt, modify, distribute, sell, assign, publicly display, publicly perform, broadcast, transmit or otherwise use the Housebook Platform, or develop derivative works based on them and grant licenses thereto;
  • has the right to use the technical support of the Housebook Site in the manner and under the conditions specified in these Rules;
  • undertakes not to use automatic and other programs to gain access to the Housebook Site without the written permission of the Housebook Site Administration;
  • undertakes to exercise discretion when choosing a counterparty, under its own responsibility decides on a transaction with the Copyright Holder, independently making sure that the offer, sale and / or purchase of any Goods and services of third parties is valid and legal;
All information received by the User in connection with the use of the Housebook Site can only be used to complete and execute transactions in relation to the Goods and services of third parties. Thus, the User is prohibited from using the email address, phone number and/or a special form of communication with the Copyright Holder on the Housebook Site for the purposes of direct advertising or other unsolicited electronic messages, as well as for other illegal actions or actions performed without the knowledge and/or consent the other side.
Warranties and liability

The User acknowledges that the use of the Housebook Services and (or) the Housebook Platform is voluntary, solely at his own peril and risk, and is personally responsible for the possible consequences of using the Site and (or) the Housebook Platform and its functionality, including for damage that may result from connection with this be caused to the User.

To the extent permitted by law, the Housebook Site Administration does not make any representations or guarantee to the User that the Housebook Site or its functionality may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use. The Housebook Site Administration cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from the use of the Housebook Site and / or their functionality, and that the content of the Housebook Site and the Housebook Platform is accurate, complete and up-to-date; will always be available; will meet the User's expectations.

Although the Housebook Site Administration maintains a strict policy of accuracy of the information provided about the Goods and services of third parties, and strives to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the content displayed on the Housebook Site and (or) the Housebook Platform, the Housebook Site Administration cannot guarantee the reliability and accuracy of such content. All information contained in the Housebook Database is collected by the Housebook Site Administration and generated on the Housebook Platform from open sources.

The Housebook Site Administration provides the Housebook Services on an "as is" basis and expressly disclaims any warranties and conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of title, suitability of the Goods, and third party services for a particular purpose, the accuracy of third party Product and service descriptions, and any warranties implied by the use of the Housebook Services, and the performance by third parties of the terms of transactions entered into as a result of the use of the Housebook Site and/or the Housebook Platform.

The Housebook Site Administration recommends Users to communicate with possible counterparties, Rightholders of Goods and Services of third parties, using all the tools available on the Housebook Site, and to exercise discretion and caution when making transactions and choosing a counterparty/Rightholder.

Housebook is not the Rightholder of Goods and services of third parties, a real estate agency and / or an authorized representative of the Rightolder of Goods and services of third parties and is not responsible for the accuracy of the description, properties, price of the Goods and services of third parties and the terms of the transaction concluded between the User and the Rightholder in with respect to the Goods and services of third parties displayed through the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platform, as well as for setting and maintaining prices that are displayed on the Housebook Site and/or the Housebook Platform. All transactions in relation to the Goods and services of third parties are concluded between the User and the Rightholder directly.

Any Third Party Goods and Services that the User finds through the Housebook Services and/or the Housebook Platform are provided by independent Third Party Goods and Services Owners and/or their authorized representatives, real estate agencies, or other third parties.

The Housebook Site Administration is not a participant and/or an intermediary in transactions made between the User and the Copyright Holder/authorized person, based on the information received on Housebook, does not control and is not responsible for such transactions.

Housebook makes it easier for the User to find and select Third Party Goods and Services, but is not liable to Users in relation to such Goods and Services. As a result of using the Housebook Services, the User receives information about the Goods and services of third parties, and the specific Rightholder of such Goods and Services, and decides to conclude a transaction with such Rightholder on the terms offered by the Rightholder, solely at his own peril and risk.

The Housebook Site Administration is not responsible for any agreements between the User and the Rightholders (or other third parties) reached as a result of the User's use of the Housebook Services and (or) the Housebook Platform.

In the event of any claims and demands related to transactions in relation to the Goods and services of third parties, the User should present such a claim with the relevant Rightholder / a person authorized by the Rightholder.

If the Housebook Site and/or the Housebook Platforms contain links to other websites or resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. The Housebook Site Administration does not in any way control the content of these sites or resources and does not assume any responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise in connection with their use.

The Housebook Site Administration is not liable to the User and third parties (including unregistered visitors to the Housebook Site) for the impossibility of using the Housebook Site for any reasons beyond the control of the Housebook Site Administration, including, but not limited to, disruption of communication lines, malfunction equipment and / or delays and interruptions in the operation of the Housebook Site, occurring directly or indirectly for a reason that is beyond the competence and control of the Housebook Site Administration.

Under no circumstances shall the Administration of the Housebook Site be liable to the User or to any third parties for any indirect, incidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation associated with the use of the Housebook Site, the content of the Housebook Site or other materials that the User and / or other persons have accessed using the Housebook Site, even if the Housebook Site Administration warned or indicated the possibility of such harm.
Conditions for the processing of personal data

The operator processes personal data by the Housebook Site Administration upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances: in the following cases:

  • processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;
  • the processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals stipulated by the contract or the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai;
  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official subject to execution in accordance with the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai.
  • the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which the personal data subject is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as to conclude an agreement on the initiative of the personal data subject or an agreement under which the personal data subject will be the beneficiary or guarantor;
  • the processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated;
  • processing of personal data is carried out, access to which is granted to an unlimited number of persons by the subject of personal data or at his request (hereinafter referred to as publicly available personal data);
  • processing of personal data in order to improve the services of the Housebook Site and eliminate technical malfunctions of the Housebook Site;
  • processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai is carried out;

The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and agrees to their processing freely, by his own will and in his own interest. Consent to the processing of personal data may be given by the subject of personal data or his representative in any form that allows confirming the fact of its receipt.

The list of personal data that can be processed by the Housebook Site Administration: last name, first name, patronymic; sex; mobile phone number; e-mail address, as well as technical data provided by the Visitor of the Operator's website in the process of using the Site, including electronic data (technical characteristics of the device, IP address, id, cookies, information about hardware and software, wi-fi network data, data on geolocation and data on the activity of using the Operator’s website (application), information received from the Operator’s partners as part of the interaction, for the processing and transfer of which the user previously consented to the processing of personal data).

If, when using the services of Housebook, the User provides personal data of third parties, the User guarantees the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data and is responsible for the existence of such consent. In the event that the Operator incurs losses due to the User's failure to comply with this guarantee, the User is obliged to compensate the damage caused to the Operator in full.

Other rights and obligations of the Site Administration, as a personal data operator, are determined by the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai in the field of personal data.

Final provisions

These Terms of Use constitute an agreement between the User and the Administration of the Housebook Site regarding the procedure for using the Housebook Site and its functionality. With regard to the functioning of the Site, the Housebook Site Administration is guided by the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai, these Terms of Use and other special documents that are developed or may be developed and adopted by the Housebook Site Administration in order to regulate the provision of access to the Users of the functionality of the Site and (or) the Housebook Platform.

Issues not regulated by the Rules are subject to resolution in accordance with the laws of the UAE and the Emirate of Dubai.

In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of these Terms of Use, the User and the Housebook Site Administration will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between them. In the event that disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they are referred to the court at the location of the Housebook Site Administration.

In view of the free-of-charge use of the Housebook Site and the Housebook Services provided to the User in accordance with these Housebook Site Terms of Use, the provisions of consumer protection legislation shall not apply to the relationship between the User and the Housebook Site Administration.

Requests and claims related to the use by the User of the functionality of the Housebook Site must be submitted to the Housebook Site Administration at any time of the day by e-mail to e-mail address:, or in writing by sending a letter to the address of the Housebook Site Administration: UAE, Dubai, Dubai Marina, Marina Plaza, No. 2502-01. When providing technical support, the Housebook Site Administration has the right to require the User to confirm that he owns his Personal Account or his Credentials by presenting a requirement to report the User's registration data to the support service of the Housebook Site Administration, and in case of failure to provide such data, to refuse technical support, if required. performing actions with a specific Personal Account of the User.

These Terms of Use come into force for the User from the moment they are accepted by him and are valid for an indefinite period.

If for one reason or another one or more of the provisions of these Terms of Use are found to be invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.

These Terms of Use of the Site and (or) the Housebook Platform represent the entirety of the agreement between the User and the Administration of the Housebook Site.

Housebook Real Estate LCC
Marina Plaza, office 2502-01, Dubai, UAE
Company license: 1128098